6 months later….

I just realized it’s been 6 months since I last did a blog. So much has changed. It’s now the year 2020 and frankly, I’m disappointed. I had this amazing expectation of 2020 and the closest thing to my vision is the Roomba vacuum. The Jetsons totally ruined my view of the future.

However, I am so happy to be alive and well in 2020. It seemed to so far away and I figured I would be “old”. I’m 51 now and I don’t really consider myself old. My 51 year old self is so much younger than the 50 year old adults I knew back in the 80’s. I joke and say that I owe it all to moisturizer. There’s some truth to that so…moisturize.

I haven’t really made a YouTube video in ages. I keep meaning to but I need to find that creative part of me that NEEDS to do it. Lately my creative part is into making houses on Sims 4. Yup, the gamer in me wins every time. I really do enjoy making and decorating the houses. The downside is that time goes by to fast while doing it. Before I know it, 5 hrs have passed.

Keto is still a part of my life. Not going to lie, I have been having a hard time getting my mindset right. My husband is doing AMAZING!! I keep falling off the wagon but I can go for awhile before I mess up. I do have a new reason to do better now. I got a job promotion and I need to be as healthy as I can be because the job uses a lot of my mental power and being on keto helps keep the brain fog away and keeps my mind sharp!

Plus being healthy is a good thing with Coronavirus going around. I don’t know what to even think about this. I have gone through Zika, Hantavirus, the flu, Rotovirus, Mers, Sars, Ebola, West Nile and so many others. We’ve seen this happen way too many times and, while I do think taking precautionary action is a good thing, I’m amazed at how the media blows it up. Wash your hands. Eat healthy. Don’t spread germs . That’s the basic rules we are taught as kids. I work at a store and am amazed at how sanitizer, alcohol, toilet paper, water and other staples are sold out…and how fast it sold out. Part of me thinks this is big corporation taking advantage and using the fear to boost sales for them. I don’t even want to know how much hand sanitizer is going for on Amazon.

One thing that has kept me away from here and YouTube are my podcasts. I love podcasts. I’m into the True Crime genre. Oh and history. I’ve learned so much from my podcasts. My one guilty pleasure is Trashy Divorces podcast, so much so that I joined Patreon so support them. They pretty much post everyday on Patreon so you really get some great and interesting content on there. They tell stories of famous trashy divorces. Alicia does series on the divorces. It was Trashy Tudors and the divorces/beheadings of King Henry and his wives. Now it’s Frank Sinatra and his love life. They have other series too depending if you support them on Patreon and at what level. Go check them out where ever you listen to Podcasts. I personally like PocketCast, it’s easy to use and works for me.

Here’s the link to Trashy Divorces online: https://www.trashydivorces.com/

Hope it doesn’t take another 6 months to post again. I think I will start a series on my YouTube about different Podcast. Maybe…

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